Sunday, January 26, 2020

Mentoring in Practice

Mentoring in Practice Thembelani Dube Mentoring is described by Kinnell and Hughes(2010) as the transferring of knowledge ,skills and attitudes from health professionals to the students that they are working with. The royal college of nursing states that the role of the mentor is to enable the student to make sense of their practice through the application of theory, assessing, evaluating and giving constructive feedback and facilitating reflection on practice, performance and experiences. the NMC(2008) adds that a mentor is a nurse ,midwife or specialist public health nurse who facilitates learning, supervises and assesses students in a practice setting. The Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC,2006) have set standards for Nursing and Midwifery practice education, the standards to support learning and assessment in practice(SLAIP). The eight standards are a mandatory requirement for both students and mentors. The standards clearly outline the mentor’s responsibility for developing and ensuring the practice competence of students and provide a more defined statement regarding accountability for decisions that lead to entry to the professional register. These domains are going to be discussed individually in depth. Establishing effective working relationships Mentorship is the process that allows transference of knowledge, skills and attitudes from health professionals to the students that they are working with (kinnell and Hughes 2010). Wilson (2014) in his study concluded that mentoring involves modelling nursing practice, selecting learning opportunities for students, articulating one’s own practical and theoretical knowledge and assessing student’s competence in practice. By being role models, mentors provide an observable image of imitation, demonstrating skills and qualities for the student to emulate, Ness (2010). Wilkes(2006) points out that it is important to establish an effective working relationship where a mentor offers support but can also be objective and analytical. The student mentor relationship is crucial to the student’s learning experience particularly because the mentor’s role includes assessment of practice. Gopee (2011) listed some of the qualities of a mentor as nurturing, role modellin g, focusing on the professional development of the student, sustaining a caring relationship over time and functioning as teacher, sponsor, encourager and friend, Beskine (2009) suggests that orientation is the gateway to a successful placement. Starting off well promotes the quality of the placement. To establish an effective working relationship with the student a mentor should start by orientating a student to the placement, this provides an opportunity for the student to express any concerns. However the RCN (2007) recommends that in preparation of the placement a checklist should be discussed on the first day of working and this should include an up to date orientation pack. Walsh (2010) adds that there are two major facets to establishing effective working relationships, managing the student’s first day and week in a productive and welcoming way and mentor’s good use of communication skills and active listening. Gopee (2011) states that skills and techniques of communication are some of the most important tools the person undertaking the mentor’s role has to utilise. Facilitation of learning The major role of the mentor is to assist and encourage students to link theory and practice in a practical setting (Botma et-al,2013) the author adds that the student should be passionate, eager to learn, participate and be committed to make the relationship work. A study done by Jokelainen et-al(2010) identifies that facilitation of learning includes advance planning of training and placement learning , which includes ensuring planning and organising learning opportunities and being aware of details of the student and their training documents. Naming mentors and organising the student’s first day at work and ensuring that the student has the same shifts as the mentor. The NMC(2008) code of practice specifies that the registered nurse must be willing to share skills and experience for the benefit of others and has a duty to facilitate students and others to develop their competence. Wilson (2013) recommends that in order to facilitate learning, nurses should include students in their daily work, teaching clinical skills, giving written and verbal feedback. Aston and Hallam (2011) agrees that facilitation of learning includes planning relevant experiences for students, providing support and assessing clinical performance. However Kinnell and Hughes(2010) argues that finding out how a person learns is the key, this area should not be underestimated as it requires thought, insight and clinical background. The authors confirms that it is worth spending some time to think the student, the level they are at and what the best strategy would be to ensure their learning and development is facilitated appropriately depending on where they are at on their cou rse. Walsh(2010) identifies that there are many different theories and models of learning , but the three major ones are behaviourist, humanistic and cognitive. Gopee(2011) states that the humanistic learning theories have been developed with regards to how learning occurs. Carl Rogers’ student centred approach to learning reveals that a learning environment where a learner feels able to speak their mind and give their views is a healthy one. Thus mentors provides a safe, encouraging environment, guides the student to resources and opportunities and facilitates the student’s exploration of them. Marslow’ s humanistic hierarchy of needs model(1943) identifies that student mentor relationship and the learning environment are important elements of learning as this would ease anxieties and give the student a sense of belonging therefore enabling the student to achieve their learning needs. Malcolm knowles’s andragogy learning theory(1990) highlights that it is important to acknowledge students as adult describes adult learners as being more self directive, motivated and having a wealth of experience. Therefore it is important how mentors relate to and teach their students most of whom are readily regarded as adult learners. Assessment and accountability Kinnell and Hughes(2010) believes that it is a statutory requirement to assess healthcare students, it is necessary to assess student nurses during their training in order to licence them as competent practitioners and subsequently protect the public. Assessments highlight weaknesses and strengths and provides a baseline for future learning needs Nicklin and Kenworthy(1995).There are many methods of assessment including testimonies, reflective writing or discussions, direct observation and feedback from colleagues. Gopee(2011) points out that there are a number of other essential facets of assessment, this part is going to discuss formative and summative. The primary aim of the formative assessment is to promote learning so that the learner can do the skill safely and effectively and knows the rationale for each step of the intervention. Summative are conducted to determine whether the learner is now competent to work without direct supervision. it is summative that constitute a peri odic record of the student’s achievement of the aims and outcomes of a course or module. The NMC(2008) requires that most assessment of competence are to be undertaken through direct observation in practice and therefore registered nurses have a duty to facilitate students to develop their competence, they are accountable for ensuring that the individual who undertakes the work is able to do so and they are given appropriate support and supervision. Andrews et-al (2010)comments that assessment has become a major element of the mentor’s role. Many take on the role willingly but when faced with the notions of continuing assessment process become overwhelmed by the responsibility. Many nurses have difficulty taking responsibility for the student learning, especially making decisions about competency required while Lauder et-al (2008) argues that while mentors are crucial to developing students ’achievement of fitness to practice, they are hampered by lack of time to undertake the role. Walsh(2010) identifies that because the assessment process is for a whole host of good reasons it must be very robust. lt should accurately enable mentors to make realistic judgements about the students’ level of competence and thus whether to pass them or not. For the student a good assessment process also gives them valuable feedback, it helps them to identify what they need to do and enables them to set realistic future goals. NMC (2008) validity for assessment ensures that assessments measures what it’s designed to measure, there are two important key issues, how to measure and what to measure. The code of conduct points out that as professionals, nurses are personally accountable for their actions and omissions in practice areas and must always be able to justify decisions therefore it is important that weak students are identified early and given the right encouragement and support, and concerns are dealt with in a timely manner. Sharples et-al(2007)points out that it is wrong to assume that all students entering clinical placement will have the knowledge, skills and attitude to be successful. They will always be students who struggle to achieve competence and mentors who fail to evaluate a learner’s unsatisfactory performance accurately are said to be guilty of misleading the learner, and potentially putting the patient care at risk and thus failing in their accountability to the NMC (2006). The Duffy report of (2004) ‘failing to fail’ concluded that there are several reasons why some mentors are failing to fail students like not identifying problems early to the student therefore not giving the student sufficient time to improve, leaving it too late and that mentors may give students the benefit of the doubt when it comes to a final judgement regarding their clinical competence. Failing to fail creates poor standards, it leads to having practitioners entering the profession that are not fit for practice (Wells and McLoughin,2014) Evaluation of learning Mentors have the responsibility of developing the practice learning experience they are providing for students, evaluating how effective or ineffective the practice environment helps to fulfil this role (Aston and Hallam,2011).NMC(2008b)requires that registered nurses participate in self- and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development and contribute towards the development of others. In a mentor’s role the term evaluation is used in the context of the student’s practice learning experience. Evaluation assist in identifying areas that need to be improved as well as what is working well, it enables mentors to improve their mentorship skills and the learning experience for future students. NMC (2010) points out that feedback from students and mentors is used to inform the programme and enhance the practice learning experience. Elcock and Sharpes (2011) adds that just as evaluation is the key for improvement, without it there is a risk of making the same mistake ove r and over again. Aston and Hallam(2011) comments that evaluation is not to be confused with assessing as this is to measure the overall value of the learning experience or how worthwhile the practice learning opportunity has been. The process of evaluation involves obtaining feedback from relevant people, reviewing and discussing the feedback and planning action to implement change, and this can either be formal or informal Price (2006). Kinnell and Hughes states that mentors and students are exposed to a variety of evaluation approaches, from patient care to facilitation of learning. Students are required by the universities to evaluate their experiences in practice at the end of each placement and this contributes to the university quality assurance process Elcock and Sharples(2011). Students are asked to reflect on their practice placement and comment on the experience that they have gained based on four dimensions, the mentorship process, the available learning resources, their mentor and the qua lity of the practice will be at this stage that action of plan is developed if there are issues to be addressed. Creating an environment for learning. Walsh (2010) states that this domain entails helping a student identify their learning needs. Students develop their attitudes, competence, interpersonal communication skills, critical thinking and clinical problem solving abilities in the clinical learning environment (Dunn and Hansford,1997)feeling part of the team is the key factor in student’s feeling that they fit in and they are then able to learn. Aston and Hallam (2011) have identified that another way in which mentors can provide consistency in an approach to providing good learning opportunities for students is to identify what experiences you can provide that will enable students to achieve their competencies. A rapidly embraced and welcomed student is one who will be able to take advantage of the learning opportunities early on in their placement, in contrary a student that feels excluded and unwelcomed will likely shy away, withdraw and have raised anxieties regarding their chances of achieving learning outcomes. kinnell and Hughes(2010) points out that mentors need to appreciate the importance of understanding the healthcare students and the potential individual needs that they have as this will influence the student mentor relationship. Nicklin and Kenworthy(1995) identified some issues that characterise a good learning environment and they included a supportive mentor, that is able to identify learning opportunities for the student and is able to respond to differing learning styles of individual students. Finding out what stage the student is at in their training and what their particular needs and interests are aids in creating an environment for learning for the student. Walsh (2010) states that consistency, a patient and understanding mentor, protecting student supernumerary status and giving a student a time to reflect creates a good learning environment. Hand(2006) indicated that factors that are important for the creation of a positive learning environment are said to be a humanistic approach, where all staff are kind, genuine, approachable and promote self-esteem and confidence to students, good team spirits with respect and trust, high standards of care being provided using efficient but flexible approaches as well as teaching students as a key feature. Context of practice and evidence based practice The slaip document cements that mentors need to contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. Being a mentor does not only mean direct involvement in facilitation learning and assessment but it also challenges them to consider their own evidence base and standards of practice Elcock and Sharples (2011). Kinnell and Hughes suggests that mentors must therefore remember that the end result of evidence based practice is the ability to offer research- based findings in order to justify aspects of care delivery and rationale experiences encountered by patients throughout their healthcare journey. Walsh (2010) says that by adhering to the local policies and procedures and mandatory training is another way for mentors to achieve their use of evidence based practice. In context of practice, mentors are required by the Nursing and midwifery council to demonstrate their ongoing knowledge, skills and competence and that this should be reviewed and assessed at annual updates and triennial reviews. Duffy (2012) suggests that nurses should have a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate updating and maintenance of competence as a mentor. The aim of annual updating is to ensure that all mentors and practice teachers continue to understand issues relating to supporting students, understand the implications of changes to NMC requirements, have current knowledge of NMC approved programmes and make valid and reliable assessments of competence and fitness for safe and effective practice Elcock and Sharples(2011)and NMC(2008). Leadership Leadership is an integral role that mentors have to undertake. Kinnell and Hughes(2011) identify that the mentor’s role is forever changing as they are expected to be co-ordinaters of patient care, a care manager, an expert in their own clinical field and they are also expected to teach and assess healthcare students within their commitment to mentorship. Gopee(2011) establishes that mentors leadership role is crucial in practice at facilitating student’s learning.One of the NMC(2008) outcomes of leardership domain requires that mentors provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice. Anderson (2011)adds that helpfull feedback should be based on a recognised model of assessment feedback such as ‘praise sandwich’ and Duffy(2013) confirms that mentors need to provide students with regular feedback on their performance, this is integral to the assessment process. Kinnell and Hughes(2011) identified a number of leadership styles such as autocratic, consultative, democratic and laissez-faire, a mentor should have an insight into different leadership ship styles and evaluate the one that appears to be dominant within their practice placement and how that style could influence the student’s experience. This assignment has highlighted the impotence of the SLAIP domains as a guidance for mentors. It has explored the qualities and the skills that mentors need to fullful their roles in order to capitalize on the student’s learning experience whilst working towards developing a competent practitioner. 2700(words)Page 1

Saturday, January 18, 2020

My Achievement Family Essay

Everybody has their own personal experience and has their own achievement throughout their lives. My achievement just happens to be when I saved my father’s life. On April 8th-13th, during Spring Break of 2008, we were living in Yorktown, Virginia and my family and I decided to take a vacation to Goldsboro, North Carolina to celebrate my 15th birthday. It is also a place to go swimming and ride ATV’s (four-wheelers), dirt-bikes, go-carts etc. This fantastic place is called â€Å"Busco Beach†. When driving, it only takes four to five hours to get there, depending on traffic. When we arrived, we unloaded the four-wheelers off the trailer, set the camper up for all of us to sleep in, and we had such a fantastic time until the third day there. That day started out terrific. We rode ATV’s all around Busco Beach, went to the concession stand where they have cheese-sticks with mozzarella sauce, hotdogs, nachos, and lots more. I always ended up getting the cheese-sticks with mozzarella sauce because they were always delicious. That day, every moment of every second was an exciting eventful day until that night. My family decided to take an all together family ride, but my mom ended up going back to the campsite early to make dinner. My mother had left, and my brother and I asked our father if we could play tag. He said yes; therefore, we ended up playing tag for a little while, and we all started to get hungry. My brother and I mentioned to our father that we were hungry, and he agreed. We stopped playing tag, and began to head back to our campsite. When my brother and I got back to the campsite, something did not feel right. I looked back behind me and noticed that my father was not around. I developed a gut wrenching feeling something was wrong, and that’s when I heard my father’s whistle. Still hearing my father whistling, and without any hesitation, I rushed to him as quickly as possible and saw him on the ground writhing. All soaked, from head to toe, he continuously patted his head and stomach to keep himself from passing out. The four-wheeler was flipped onto its side halfway in the water. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. The ambulance came and took him away to the hospital. The doctors had informed us that my father’s bones were sticking out of his left leg and needed to go into surgery ASAP. They also said that if I would not have gone back for him, he would not have made it. We decided to go home the next day because we knew he would be in a lot of pain and that he needed his rest. The next day came, and we asked him what exactly happened. My father ended up saying he â€Å"blacked out†. A couple weeks have passed, and I have received an award from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) where my father worked. I have received this award for being a brave young lady and for being a hero. When I found my father lying on the ground, I was extremely terrified he would not have made it with all the gruesome things that have happened to him. What happened to my father was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. Going through this experience has changed my life, and knowing that this had happened to my father, it could happen to anyone. I do not want any family going through the same experience I have gone through, and I especially do not want anybody getting hurt as my father has. I’m very grateful my father is because if I would not have heard him whistling, or felt that something was not right, he would not be here on this earth today. I have thanked God many times for not taking my father away from his family, and I hope no one has to go through what I went through.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Dos and Donts of Mass Media Essay Topics

The Do's and Don'ts of Mass Media Essay Topics You will be liable for market research of the item and concentrate on the target group to be marketed. Normally, the practice of media globalization cannot be stopped quickly since it's a procedure or the end result of some new communications technology. It's possible that the growth of peer-to-peer technologies may have begun the procedure of earning the price of bandwidth manageable. So higher technology is utilized to beat natural calamities. Mass communication has contributed in many methods and thus its importance can't be ignored. There are lots of procedures to use. Your communication skills combined with your capacity to create visual art is quite a highly sought combination. Effects manipulation what's definition types examples. Expansion in media journalism jobs also have been achieved by the many crucial players of different industries which are now joining the media and entertainment market. The impacts of the gr owth of mass media aren't all positive. India is among the fastest growing nation that has abundant potential in regard to media journalism jobs. Entertainment It's one of the clearest functions. Nonetheless, Mass Media is regarded as the fourth estate of the society too. Electronic media has seen the increase in the variety of channels. The excellent part is that social media is extremely familiar to college students, so there's a lot to speak about. It is almost always better to choose a college that delivers placement assistance to the students. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. They are encouraged to choose a department advisor. What Does Mass Media Essay Topics Mean? There are several forms of essays, it is not difficult to shed an eye on all your writing assignments. If you don't find out how to begin your essay or where to search for supporting data, we'll be happy to help you. Other interesting suggestions for your essay writing. You're guaranteed the communication essay is going to be that which you've asked for. Get the Scoop on Mass Media Essay Topics Before Y ou're Too Late Innovation has to be seen to supply genuine benefits before it's accepted. Picking the perfect Media College is the sole key to land for the correct job. Advertise Yourself Learn to advertise what you want to become, what you want to create, and what exactly you desire to get. Each business is going to have to pick the methods which are best for them. As a student, you should realize that writing a paper about the mass media is a powerful approach to talk about modern issues that a lot of people have to face. When folks are behaving childishly, it has to be acknowledged. Media education focuses on encouraging folks to participate for the reason for communication, so the people in distinct components of earth remain in touch with one another. Among the famous reasons, why people ought to be literate regarding mass communication is the fact that it makes people more responsible citizen. One other important objective of mass communication is to produce public o pinion on any national or global matter. Probably, it's because of the industry's extreme slant towards the standard male perspective. As it's informed by the custom of the mass media, advertising is an ideal vehicle for the interpretation of the practice. Thus, you'll be involved in the emotional component of the movie. You ought not neglect the value of structure a magnificent mass media essay brings together brilliant content and an ideal organization around the core issues linked to your topic. Media can give a specific story big media attention and produce the story seem important to the world or it may barely touch on the subject giving minimum importance. The New Angle On Mass Media Essay Topics Just Released The target of any company is to earn money. Life isn't always fair, and does not have an obligation to be fair. Commonly it provides the info about current affairs it spreads throughout the world. You will look at case studies about products from various businesses that are very similar to your customers'. Therefore, it must skip over many interesting or important neighborhood stories since they just do not interest the massive majority of their viewers. The typical American child was estimated to watch over 20,00 0 television commercials annually along with the industrial programming interspersed between them. From the mass media, people are able to find the most recent news extremely fast. Internet media may also attain mass media status, and several media outlets maintain an internet presence to benefit from the ready access to Internet in many areas of the world. Everything is getting accessible via the web. The world wide web is fast becoming the middle of mass media. It thus far has become an extremely dominant form of media. Whatever They Told You About Mass Media Essay Topics Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why It is possible to always reach out to your writer to offer more particulars or request information concerning the order's progress. After you submit your purchase, we start searching for the ideal writer to finish your assignment based on your requirements. For the very first time, anyone with an internet site could handle a worldwide audience. There are quite a lot of co lleges offered and one can select the college in line with the location and college reputation. Giving importance to appealing web designs templates and web growth sites can end up being an exceptional choice for a company in the very long run. If you would like your business to create a niche on the internet map, it's recommended to go for thoughtfully planned media endeavors. As you want to know more about advertising, we shall talk about the advertising subjects you are going to learn in BMM. Brand building The principal reason companies need advertising is to construct their brand.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Maid of Honor Wedding Toast Quotes

The maid of honor at a wedding can be regarded as the brides friend, philosopher, and guide. Therefore, a toast raised by the maid of honor at the wedding should have words of affection, wisdom, and advice for the newlyweds. A few of the following quotes could be added to the maid of honor wedding toast to make it an unforgettable one.​ Quotes for the Maid of Honors Toast American ProverbYou have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a handsome prince. Dr. James C. DobsonDont marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you cant live without. Helen RowlandBefore marriage, a man will lay down his life for you; after marriage he wont even lay down his newspaper. Franklin P. JonesLove doesnt make the world go round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Kristen KappelLove is when you look into someones eyes, and see everything you need. Lucy Van Pelt, in Peanuts, by Charles M. SchulzAll I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesnt hurt! Tony HeathBe presidents of each others fan clubs. Dave MeurerA great marriage is not when the perfect couple come together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Madonna, O Magazine, January 2004To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give; that takes courage. Because we dont want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt. Zora Neale HurstonLove, I find, is like singing. Everybody can do enough to satisfy themselves, though it may not impress the neighbors as being very much.